Getting Started with Blaze for Apache Spark
Build from source
To build Blaze, please follow the steps below:
- Install Rust
The native execution lib is written in Rust. So you're required to install Rust (nightly) first for compilation. We recommend you to use rustup.
- Install Protobuf
Ensure protoc
is available in PATH environment. protobuf can be installed via linux system package manager (or Homebrew on mac), or manually download and build from .
- Install JDK+Maven
Blaze has been well tested on jdk8 and maven3.5, should work fine with higher versions.
- Check out the source code.
git clone
cd blaze
- Build the project.
Specify shims package of which spark version that you would like to run on.
Currently we have supported these shims:
- spark-3.0 - for spark3.0.x
- spark-3.1 - for spark3.1.x
- spark-3.2 - for spark3.2.x
- spark-3.3 - for spark3.3.x
- spark-3.4 - for spark3.4.x
- spark-3.5 - for spark3.5.x.
You could either build Blaze in pre mode for debugging or in release mode to unlock the full potential of Blaze.
SHIM=spark-3.3 # or spark-3.0/spark-3.1/spark-3.2/spark-3.3/spark-3.4/spark-3.5
MODE=release # or pre
mvn package -P"${SHIM}" -P"${MODE}"
After the build is finished, a fat Jar package that contains all the dependencies will be generated in the target
Build with docker
You can use the following command to build a centos-7 compatible release:
SHIM=spark-3.3 MODE=release ./
Run Spark Job with Blaze Accelerator
This section describes how to submit and configure a Spark Job with Blaze support.
move blaze jar package to spark client classpath (normally
).add the follow confs to spark configuration in
spark.blaze.enable true
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.blaze.BlazeSparkSessionExtension
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.sql.execution.blaze.shuffle.BlazeShuffleManager
spark.memory.offHeap.enabled false
# suggested executor memory configuration
spark.executor.memory 4g
spark.executor.memoryOverhead 4096
- submit a query with spark-sql, or other tools like spark-thriftserver:
spark-sql -f tpcds/q01.sql